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Everyone's pain is unique.
Cervicogenic/tension headaches
If you often suffer from tension headaches, it's possible that you have cervical musculoskeletal (MSK) impairments in your neck. These impairments can contribute to your headaches, and chiropractic care can help. Chiropractors use a combination of techniques, including spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy like trigger point therapy, stretching exercises, and stress management, to address these issues.
Migraines can be incredibly painful and disruptive, but chiropractic care can offer relief in various ways. Neuromuscular massage, also
known as trigger point therapy, is one effective method. During this type of massage, the therapist targets trigger points in your back,
shoulders, neck, and head. By relaxing these muscles, improving blood flow, and reducing stress, they can help alleviate migraine symptoms.
Another approach for migraines is multidisciplinary care intervention. This method combines various strategies, including specific exercises, relaxation techniques, stress management, and dietary counseling. By adopting a holistic approach, you can reduce the pain, frequency, duration, and disability associated with migraines.